What is Morph Transtion?
The Morph transition is a great way to create smooth, professional-looking animations between slides. You can use it to animate text, shapes, pictures, SmartArt graphics, and WordArt, giving your presentations a dynamic, engaging look.
Which PowerPoint version has Morph?
It is available in Microsoft 365, PowerPoint 2019 (on PC and macOS), and PowerPoint for the web. The feature is also available in previous versions of Office, including 2016.
Morph Transition feature in PowerPoint
The PowerPoint feature allows you to animate smooth movement from one slide to the other. You can apply it to slides to create an animation-type appearance in a wide range of things—text, shapes, pictures, SmartArt, WordArt, and charts. To use the Morph transition effectively, you’ll require two slides with at least one object in common. The easiest way to enable this is to duplicate the slide and move the object on the second slide to a different place. Alternatively, please copy and paste the object from one slide and add it to the next. Then, apply the Morph transition to the second slide. Initially, you will not find the ‘Morph’ transition in the ribbon menu, but once you ‘Duplicate’ a slide, the feature becomes visible under the ‘Ribbon’ menu.
Now, to see the feature in action, do the following: In the Thumbnail pane on the left side, click the slide that you want to apply a transition to. Remember, the other slide should add the object and picture to enable the morph transition. When done, move to the ‘Transitions’ tab, look for the Morph option, and select it when found.
Now, select Transitions, and from the ‘Effect Options’ drop-down menu, choose the object for which you’d like the Morph transition to work. Finally, click Preview to see the Morph transition in action. That’s it! Here’s a short video of 90 seconds describing the concept and how to use the Morph transition.
Source: Office.com.