It was always a bit tricky when you wanted to send large files as email attachments. Large files may be too large to attach or takes too long to upload and send and sometimes it may even bounce back without reaching the recipient. team had this in mind and provided a feature so as the user does not have to face such problems. Just last month we had seen Microsoft announcing about OneDrive getting 10 GB file support. That means you can now upload files up to 10 GB. Now how to take advantage of this cool feature? To send larger files, users have to upload files to some file-sharing website and then share the URL with the receiver. offers a seamless experience when attaching files. While you will continue to be able to send attachments of size up to 33MB by attaching them to the mail itself, for files exceeding 33MB, it now offers a smooth way of sending them – using OneDrive! You can now use OneDrive to share single files up to even 10GB – or hundreds of smaller ones – in one email! If you want to use OneDrive or any other cloud service like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc, after you have opened a new email for composing it, click on Attach > Browse cloud locations.

You will thus be able to attach links to already-uploaded files. Now, let us say you are composing an email in and go on to attach a file using the Upload and share link. If the file size is less than 33MB, it will be attached. If not you will gently be prodded to Upload and share as a OneDrive link. Clicking in this option, will let you select the large file from your desktop and upload it to OneDrive.

Once the file is attached, Outlook will add a line, ” … has a file to share with you on OneDrive. To view it, click on the link below”. The receiver, when he clicks on the link will be taken to OneDrive, from where he will be able to download the large attachment. The beauty of this feature is that you don’t have to leave the mail you are composing and it is so convenient to use that you do not even realize that you are using any other service. Large attachments may take a long time to upload – and it all depends on your Internet speed.