How to protect your NFTs from theft or copies

You can protect your NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens from thefts or fake copies, in the following ways. Let’s get into the details of each one.

1] Opt for a non-custodial wallet

Non-custodial wallets are a secure way of storing your NFTs. They are protected by a 12-24 word seed phrase and also a combination of touch identification and custom passwords. Instead of storing your NFTs in the wallet of the marketplaces you use, it is recommended to stack them on the Non-custodial crypto wallet. Even the Non-custodial wallets can be hacked if you are not vigilant using many methods such as malware, keylogging, and phishing scams. To fully protect your non-custodian wallet,

set a password that you do not use for any other account or walletnever share it with anybody or store it on a password managerdon’t open untrustworthy linksuse a premium VPN with a better encryption service

2] Cold Storage

Cold Storage is nothing but an offline and external derivative that cannot be connected via the internet or reachable by hackers through the internet. It keeps your digital assets like NFTs from the reach of hackers and thieves. The only flipside of Cold Storage is you have to connect the authority of Cold Storage every time you want to make a transaction which is very time-consuming.

3] Deal with potential buyers wisely

Many people on the internet contact you with lucrative offers. You need to have a clear-cut opinion and a gauge on the market situation to analyze the person. A scammer might be behind a lucrative offer you get. Do not share your wallet accessibility with anyone as a transaction can never be traced or reversed on the blockchain.

4] Use only trustworthy marketplaces

As the crypto and NFT business is booming, many marketplaces have come up. A lot of them are bad at offering security and protection to the users from theft or scams. You need to use only trustworthy NFT marketplaces to do transactions with your crypto wallet and NFTs. Analyze the level of security a marketplace offers before signing up with them. These are the ways you can secure your NFT from scams and copies.

What is the safest way to store NFTs?

You can store your NFTs in your wallets on Marketplaces as well as Cold Storage derivatives. Cold storage is considered the safest way to store NFTs because it keeps hackers away from your NFTs. Generally, it is not recommended to store your wallets connected to marketplaces as they can be hacked easily.

Can someone steal your NFT?

Absolutely yes. Many NFTs scams are happening every day on the internet. You need to be vigilant with the type of people you are dealing with. You must secure your NFTs in Cold Storage or non-custodian wallets.