Chrome keeps signing me out
We know that when your Google account is signed into the Chrome browser, all of your bookmarks, log-ins, extensions, and other data from your other devices are all available. This shows how awful it would be if Chrome automatically signed you out of your accounts when you closed the browser. Likewise, you might encounter this problem on other websites where you have logged in using Chrome. It is not just a Google account issue. Most of the time, we can connect this problem to damaged Chrome browser settings or corrupted cookies. Hence, we’ll discuss different solutions to fix Chrome signs me out when the browser is closed while considering several potential causes of this problem.
Why does Chrome sign me out when the Browser is closed?
It’s always very beneficial to stay logged in on your Chrome browser, as you can use your Google account and other accounts right after launching the browser. However, if you have been faced with Chrome signing me out when the browser is closed, it’s most likely that there are issues with cookies in your browser. We do know that cookies are files created to store your details with sites you visit on your browser and thereby improve your experience with the sites. An issue with the cookies may cause you to be signed off of Chrome whenever you close it. We’ve also realized that this issue could result from Chrome bugs, tampered settings, or an extension. Considering all these likely causes, we are going to talk about the best fixes in the next section of this article.
Chrome signs me out every time I close the Browser
If Google Chrome signs you out when the browser is closed, here are some solutions you should try:
1] Make sure cookies are allowed on Chrome
If Chrome keeps signing you out each time you close it, the first thing you should check is whether the cookie settings are turned on. If cookies aren’t allowed on a browser, you may keep getting logged out of your account access every time you stop the browser because cookies help save browsing data like sign-in and other stuff. To allow cookies on Chrome, follow the steps below;
Launch Chrome and click on the three-dot menu on its toolbar.On the resulting drop-down menu, select Settings.Tap on Privacy and security.Navigate to Cookies and site data and open it.Now make sure the Allow all cookies option is checked.
If the problem persisted after you enabled the setting or if it was already enabled, you should check this other option. Besides just allowing cookies on Chrome, if you have turned on the clear cookies and site data when you close all windows options in Chrome, you’ll be facing issues like this one. Hence, you should scroll down on the Cookies and site data page and make sure clear cookies and site data when you close all windows option is turned off
2] Clear browser cache
In some cases, clearing the Chrome cache can potentially resolve this issue, as corrupted caches on your browser could be the cause. You don’t have to be worried about losing your browsing history, saved passwords, or anything else if you clear the caches on Chrome; this merely removes temporary files that have been saved on your browser to improve performance. Here is how to clear the Chrome cache:
Hit the three-dot icon at the top-right corner of Chrome.Click on More tools and select Clear browsing data.Set the Time range as All time.Check Cached images and files only.Then select Clear data.
After doing this, close Chrome and relaunch it.
3] Update Chrome
We mentioned earlier that this issue might be due to a Chrome bug harbored in an outdated version of the browser. Hence, it’s recommended that you update your browser to the most recent version.
Launch Chrome and click the three-dot menu at the top-right corner of the home page.Tap on Help and select About Google Chrome.You’ll see a menu that checks for Chrome updates on the resulting page. If there is any update, install and if there is none, leave the page.
4] Create & Sign in with a new Google Account
Some Chrome users who experienced this issue resolved the issue by signing into another Google account and returning to the previous account after some time helped them resolve it. So, you should try it out too. If that does not help, create a new Chrome account and start using that.
5] Disable extensions
Disable Chrome’s extensions and see if the issue gets resolved. Then enable them one after the other till you locate the problematic extension, and then remove it.
6] Check Chrome sign-in option
You may as well check the Chrome sign-in option and make sure it’s turned on:1. Click on the three-dot menu on the Chrome toolbar and select Settings.2. Navigate to Sync and Google services and tap on it.3. Now, toggle on the Allow Chrome Sign-in option and click Relaunch to apply the changes.
7] Turn On Chrome Sync
Open Chrome settings, and right there, you will see the blue button to Turn on sync. Click on it and restart your browser and see.
8] Reset Chrome Settings
This problem might potentially be the result of altered Chrome settings. It’s possible that you won’t be able to identify the precise setting you changed, so it’s recommended that you reset Chrome’s settings in the hopes that the problem will be resolved.Read the linked article to learn how to reset Chrome settings. 9] Uninstall and reinstall Chrome If the issue persists after trying the previous solutions, you should uninstall and reinstall Chrome. This should help get Chrome back to its normal condition by clearing up all issues with the program.
Press Windows + R to open the run command box.Type control panel and hit Enter.On the Control Panel window, click on Programs.Right-click Chrome and select Uninstall.Select Yes in the next window to confirm the operation.
After uninstalling the program, you should reinstall and check if the issue has been fixed. Read:
How to transfer Google Chrome profile to another computerHow to allow or block Cookies on specific Websites on Google Chrome
How can I disallow Chrome from keeping me signed in to an account?
Whenever you log in to an account on Chrome, the browser keeps you logged in to the account even after closing the browser. Besides, your login details can even be saved so that you can easily access the account if you happen to log out of the account and want to log in again. However, if you don’t want Chrome to keep you signed in, you should browse in Incognito mode.
Can declining cookies cause Chrome to log me out of my account when I close the browser?
Cookies are files that save some of your information on the sites you visit. Though not all cookies need to be accepted, there are still some needed for you to have a good browsing experience. As long as the site you are getting cookie requests from is safe, you can accept their cookies when prompted to.